Two CPM Cells Adhesion

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Example demonstrating how adhesion energies affect cell shape and the cell-cell contact region


We simulate two CPM cells of the same type to demonstrate how adhesion energies affect cell shape and the cell-cell contact region.


Let $J_\mathrm{aa}$ be the adhesion energy between the two cells, and $J_\mathrm{am}$ be the adhesion energy between each of the cells and the medium.


The following diagram demonstrates that when the cell-cell contact energy is too high, the cells separate. When the cell-medium contact energy is too high, the cells make as large a region of contact as possible, while also attempting to satisfy their own volume (VolumeConstraint) and perimeter constraints (SurfaceConstraint).

Examples of the effect of cell- cell and cell-medium adhesion energies on the shape and contact region between two CPM cells.
Examples of the effect of cell- cell and cell-medium adhesion energies on the shape and contact region between two CPM cells.

As shown in the figure above, try the following Contact settings, which default to case a), in the CPM main section of the Morpheus GUI:

Behavior Cell-cell Contact ($J_\mathrm{aa}$) Cell-medium Contact ($J_\mathrm{am}$)
a) $10$ $4$
b) $4$ $2$
c) $2$ $4$
d) $4$ $10$
Simulation video of TwoCPMCellsAdhesion.xml showing the preset behavior a) with $J_\mathrm{aa} = 10$ and $J_\mathrm{am} = 4$


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    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
    <MorpheusModel version="4">
            <Details>Full title:		Two CPM Cells Adhesion
    Authors:		L. Edelstein-Keshet
    Contributors:	Y. Xiao
    Date:		04.06.2022
    Software:		Morpheus (open-source). Download from
    Model ID:
    Reference:		L. Edelstein-Keshet: Mathematical Models in Cell Biology
    Comment:		Examples of the effect of cell-cell and cell-medium adhesion energies on the shape and contact region between two CPM cells. When the cell-cell contact energy is too high, the cells separate. When the cell-medium contact energy is too high, the cells make as large a region of contact as possible, while also attempting to satisfy their own volume and perimeter constraints. In the CPM main section of the Morpheus GUI, try the following settings: a) cell-cell contact 10, cell-medium contact 4, b) cell-cell contact 4, cell-medium contact 2, c) cell-cell contact 2, cell-medium contact 4, d) cell-cell contact 4, cell-medium contact 10.</Details>
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            <SpaceSymbol symbol="space"/>
            <StartTime value="0"/>
            <StopTime symbol="end" value="750"/>
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            <RandomSeed value="1227903"/>
            <CellType class="medium" name="medium"/>
            <CellType class="biological" name="amoeba">
                <VolumeConstraint target="400" strength="1"/>
                <SurfaceConstraint target="70" strength="1" mode="surface"/>
                <Contact type1="amoeba" type2="amoeba" value="10"/>
                <Contact type1="amoeba" type2="medium" value="4"/>
            <MonteCarloSampler stepper="edgelist">
                <MCSDuration symbol="MCStime" value="0.5"/>
                <MetropolisKinetics temperature="2"/>
            <ShapeSurface scaling="norm">
            <Population type="amoeba" size="1">
                <InitCircle number-of-cells="2" mode="random">
                    <Dimensions radius="l.x/12" center="l.x/2, l.y/2, 0"/>
            <Gnuplotter time-step="5" decorate="false">
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                            <Color value="2" color="blue"/>
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    Model Graph
    Model Graph


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